Conner was scary marsmallow boy last night. :)
Yesterday, we had a great day. One of my favorite Saturdays.
Last night we decided to roast marshmallows and do a devotional in the backyard. We sat outside for a long time and just shared stories, laughed, and enjoyed our time together. Conner roasted his own marshmallow and then decided that he didnt like the way the marsmallows felt in his mouth when they were roasted. haha. (the picture above was evidence) :)

After our marsmallow time, we got a blanket and layed down to look at the stars. Conner was trying to count them and then realized that it was impossible. Michael told him that even he couldnt count all the stars. Conner layed there thinking and then decided to pray and said, "God, Will you please count the stars for me?" Definitely an "aww" moment. :) And also, a reminder that we can't do things alone..we need His help. things can seem impossible....but we don't have to do it alone. We have God to help us do it if we let Him. :) We even saw three shooting stars! :) (And no we didn't "pretend the airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars"...thats just creepy. :)
Blessings and Love,