Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Brave Leaf

I have a lot of clients that have trouble dealing with anxiety issues, change, and fear. I deal with mostly elementary aged kids so I am always kept on my toes looking for new material and interventions.  I was having trouble finding material one day so I just got inspired to write my own little short story. Given that it is Fall, I wanted to share it again. Maybe someone will discover it and decide to publish it and pay me money! :) HAHA. Anyways--here it is

The Brave Leaf.

Once upon a time, there was a bright and beautiful red leaf that was afraid to let go of her branch. She liked where she lived and was content to stay there. The thought of leaving the place she always knew made her feel troubled and scared. Her home was just at the right spot where she could feel the warm rays of the sun and hide in the shade of her tree if she needed.

Every day she could hear a little boy playing outside. He was a brave little boy. He would imagine that he was a pirate, a superhero, or even a knight who had to slay a dragon! He did not seem to be afraid of anything. Still, the thought of letting go of her branch was too overwhelming for her.

As days passed, she would dance around and up and down as the branches shook her. She would laugh at the wind as it rushed passed her and whistled sweet melodies. She would even sing along to the familiar tunes.

One day the tree said to her, "My beautiful leaf, why are you afraid to let go of your branch and fly?"

"I am not brave like the other leaves," she said, "I'm just little ol' me-nothing special."

The tree was sad when he heard her say this. He had lived many years and had never seen such a beautiful and special leaf be afraid to let go. He knew that each of his leaves were special and made for flying.

The leaf exclaimed, "But what if I land on the road and get trampled? What if I land on a rooftop, alone? What if the wind is racing by and carries me to a place I don't know?"

The tree sighed as he reminded her, "My beautiful leaf, do not be afraid or anxious. Let go and fulfill your purpose."

"My purpose?" She asked herself. The beautiful leaf wondered how she could even have a purpose. There were thousands of leaves around her,  what did it matter if she let go or stayed?

The morning came and was quite breathtaking. The rays of the sun collided in perfect symmetry with the branches of her tree, allowing the sunlight to pierce through and land on her colors. All the other leaves were flying away and twirling around her in a vibrant display. 

She watched the little boy running and laughing in the distance-as he fought his imaginary villian with an inflatable sword. He played as if he had not a care in the world. And he didn't. He was free.

Then her branches began to shake and dance as the wind began to whirl. With confidence, the beautiful leaf let go of her branch and the wind blew her high into the sky as she flipped, turned, and glided through the autumn day. The leaf was awe-struck by what her courage allowed her to see and experience. She was happy.

As the leaf dropped to the ground she smiled and thought of how proud of herself she was to go on that great adventure. She did something she never thought she could do. And her journey was even more beautiful than she ever imagined.

The leaf was tired from her adventure. 

She thought of the brave little boy and hoped that he got to see her as she was flying through the air.

She began to drift off and dream. As she fell asleep, she dreamed of being brave, being free, and letting go.

Love and Blessings,