I sign in to facebook...they are there. Cute little pictures of tiny little bits all taking over my news feed. So sweet.
I go to work...there are cute little preggo friends wadddling down the hallway and friends going in to labor. haha.
I don't have enough fingers to count how many friends I have right now that are pregnant!
One of my best friends is going to have a baby in the coming Spring and I am so excited.
But recently, I have been blessed with a new nephew and a new neice!!! I am so blessed! I now have 5 neices/nephews!
I am going to have to get a second or third job to be able to spoil them they way I want to though. :)
Two february babies..and just 15 days apart. :)
i love it!!
Marcus born on February 12th!
And Molly born on February 27th!
They are both blessed with two sweet mommies!