We got to visit Litchfield Beach this summer for vacation. I don't think I can say enough how much I LOVE that beach. This year was a little different for me...because I actually made a strong effort to take in the beach alone...and really reflect on what God was showing and giving me through my quiet time every morning. I would wake up at 5:00 AM (yes on my VACATION) and rode on the golfcart to the ocean. I would walk up and down the beach...and would only see a handful of people..and i loved it. I loved it because I felt like it was really just me and God...and God showing me what amazing things he creates and how much of nature is beautiful art. I think that is one of the reason's I love photography so much...because I can capture an image that I can save forever if I wanted to...and image that was created for me by Him.
Some people think its silly but I have a special love for sea turtles..i always have. I just think they are so unique and the idea that they were around when dinosaurs were is pretty cool. :) They are just unique and beautiful and I love to follow their deveolpment and nests, etc. Is that nerdy? :) So anyways, I got up every morning also in hope that I would get to witness a sea turtle laying her nest or one going back into the ocean. I also really wanted to find a nest and experience the process of protecting and preserving it. Every morning, I was able to see something new on my walks... I saw an amazing sunrise (not sure who that dude was but I thought it was a cool picture) :)...
... sting ray washed up, found huge seashells without a crack, tons of starfish, and even a shark. :) But, I was getting so aggravated that I had not seen anything regarding turtles..not even a false crawl in the sand. The 6th day I was pretty tired and almost decided not to go out...it was our last morning there and I figured since I hadnt seen it before I wouldnt now...but I'm glad I decided to go out because I walked out and found 3 sea turtle crawls and got to help the S.C.U.T.E organization check the eggs, get a DNA sample, and mark the nest. It was such a great experience. One that I know was something God blessed me with...the S.C.U.T.E leader told me I was lucky and that this was a once in a lifetime thing for someone to see..kinda neat.
Like I said, people might think its silly...:)
For my birthday, my husband took me to the Sea Turtle Rescue Hospital where I got to learn about several turtles that were being treated there...it really changes your perspective on things. I wanted to share some photos from my sea turtle time. I guess one point I am trying to make out of this long blog is to find something that you enjoy and run with it....even if you are running by yourself. And find out how you can connect it to God-because he wants you to share it with Him too. :)

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