I get everyone being upset about Miley's performance on the VMAs. I really do. But, I have realized that there are thousands of women AND men that act in this way. We have made everything okay these days. If you like this thing..then do it. If you want to dress half naked--then do it. If that makes you feel good..go ahead, do it. If you want to sleep around...hey, its your body. What a sad way to look at things. What happened to doing the right thing? I can't quite pinpoint where our world drastically started going downhill but I am scared for my little boy.
We all have our own darkness. Something we are fighting with and something that often makes us feel defeated. Something that is ugly and cruel and tries to make us feel worthless. Miley just happened to be on a stage parading her darkness in front of millions of people. People grabbing at a chance to make fun of her or whisper how crazy she must be. But the truth is, there are so many others just like her. And those people that are laughing and pointing have their own struggles and their own battles. So, I am sad for those people too. Sure, they arent the ones that dance around with foam fingers and bust out of teddy bears. But, they are the ones next to us in the grocery line, the ones sitting next to us at a traffic light, or the ones laughing next to us in a movie theatre. They are also the ones I see in my office. They also might be the ones crying in the bathroom at school, the ones hiding in their bedrooms while they cut themselves, the ones starving themselves to "perfection." Those people don't have a stage to parade their darkness on. But they have their darkness. Cause darkness is all the same when there is no light.
I am interested in seeing the outcome of this recent performance. This is clearly a cry out for help from her. She has some issues. As most of us do. Hopefully she will have more people reaching their hands out to help her as oppose to pointing their fingers and laughing. She needs a little Light in her life. And the Healer. A little Grace. The one who takes our darkness and turns it to something amazing. We all need a little help every now and again. I hope to reach out to the next Miley I might meet. And I hope that when I struggle someone would reach out to me.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Sunday, July 14, 2013
V Preview
Such a unique wedding I got to be a part with the Tipton/Vassey wedding. It was an outside country wedding complete with hay bails, mason jars, and cowboy boots. I do not think I have ever seen a calmer bride! :) It was a perfect weather day filled with beautiful memories. I followed the bride and groom to a peach blossom field with a beautiful view of the mountains. Such a sweet couple! I was blessed to be a part of it! Here are some shots from the day!
Ding Dong the bells are gonna chime.
Well, Amanda Ledford Photography has 2 weddings scheduled already for 2014! I am so excited! I have had the privilege of having several weddings booked this year! I love it! i thought I would share some highlights of some of them so we will start out with the Scruggs couple. A beautiful dress. beautiful couple. beautfiul ceremony and reception. I wish them many blessings.
Sing me a song.
My C turned 5 a little over 2 months ago and I always like to snap some shots to remember. I have this intense fear of getting old and forgetting. I guess that is why I take so many pictures. And i won't apologize. :) Here are some shots from our trip to the park in April. I used the guitar because although he has not learned how to really play it---he is always singing and making up songs. Sounds like me when I was five. :) I am also trying to catch up on my blog. :)
Love and blessings
Amanda :)
Love and blessings
Amanda :)
Thursday, May 23, 2013
An interview with a 5 year old. :)
I decided to start a little 25--ish question thing with Conner every year and compare as the years go by. And plus I had not had a chance to post about his birthday party and such. I have been a slacker when it comes to this blog. I loved doing this little questionnaire thing..some of his answers were so funny. I had to share. They get more funny and sweet towards the end! :)
1. What is your favorite color?
---"white-cause of the white ranger.
2. What is your favorite toy?
--"my power rangers"
3. What is your favorite fruit?
-- "apples cause I love the skin."
4. What is your favorite TV show?
5. what is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?
--"corn dogs and peanut butter sandwiches."
6. what is your favorite thing to wear?
--"shoes. and a shirt. and underwear. and pants."
7. what is your favorite game?
8. What is your favorite snack?
--"apples and potato chips--and you know what Jacob gave me PICKLE chips."
9. What is your favorite animal?
--"lion and a white tiger."
10. What is your favorite song?
--"the policeman song."
11. What is your favorite book?
--"Its Hard to be Five!" by Jamie Lee Curtis
12. Who is your best friend?
--"Bryson and Wyatt and Ella"
13. What is your favorite sport?
--"all of them."
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
--"play anything I want!"
15. What is your favorite drink?
--"water and milk and unsweet tea and Peace tea."
16. What is your favorite holiday?
--"Christmas and Easter and Mother's day and Father's day cause I like to celebrate!"
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
--"Handy Manny and TD and Slushy."
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
--"ceral and a sausage gravy biscuit."
19. What is one of your favorite things in the whole wide world?
--"my brother and my cousins!!!"
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
--"a power ranger-BUT can I get a real morpher?"
21. Tell me a joke.
--C: Mommy, remember who throwed poop at your face?
-- Me: who?
--C: Monkeys!! (hysterical laughter) Is that a joke?? Wait I'll say another one. What do you call a cow with no legs? Wait-i forgot the answer. Oh ground beef! (more hysterical laughter from him.)
22. Say something about mommy.
--"I like when you go with me on a picnic and on a date and anywhere."
23. Say something about daddy.
--"my daddy lets me play in my room and lets me watch movies."
24. What is something you are good at?
25. What do you like about yourself?
--"I like that I'm five. I like to exercise and do a lot of stuff."
26. What makes you happy?
--"spending the night with Nana and Ella."
27. Anything else you need to tell me?
-- Conner: "It's just a good day. Like something real good-and I can feel my own heart-and like someone is waiting for me somewhere out there."
ME: "Who?"
Conner: My meemaw and peepaw. That's their song.
SO sweet.
Here are some highlights from our celebration of him turning five! We had such a great time!!
I can't wait for what the next year will bring. He truly is a blessing to us!
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