Thursday, May 23, 2013

An interview with a 5 year old. :)

I decided to start a little 25--ish question thing with Conner every year and compare as the years go by. And plus I had not had a chance to post about his birthday party and such. I have been a slacker when it comes to this blog. I loved doing this little questionnaire thing..some of his answers were so funny. I had to share. They get more funny and sweet towards the end! :)

1. What is your favorite color?
---"white-cause of the white ranger.

2. What is your favorite toy?
--"my power rangers" 

3. What is your favorite fruit?
-- "apples cause I love the skin."

4. What is your favorite TV show?

5. what is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?
--"corn dogs and peanut butter sandwiches." 

6. what is your favorite thing to wear?
--"shoes. and a shirt. and underwear. and pants." 

7. what is your favorite game?

8. What is your favorite snack?
--"apples and potato chips--and you know what Jacob gave me PICKLE chips." 

9. What is your favorite animal?
--"lion and a white tiger." 

10. What is your favorite song? 
--"the policeman song." 

11. What is your favorite book?
--"Its Hard to be Five!" by Jamie Lee Curtis

12. Who is your best friend?
--"Bryson and Wyatt and Ella"

13. What is your favorite sport?
--"all of them." 

14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
--"play anything I want!" 

15.  What is your favorite drink?
--"water and milk and unsweet tea and Peace tea."

16. What is your favorite holiday?
--"Christmas and Easter and Mother's day and Father's day cause I like to celebrate!" 

17.  What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
--"Handy Manny and TD and Slushy."

18.  What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
--"ceral and a sausage gravy biscuit." 

19.  What is one of your favorite things in the whole wide world?
--"my brother and my cousins!!!" 

20.  What do you want to be when you grow up?
--"a power ranger-BUT can I get a real morpher?" 

21.  Tell me a joke. 
--C: Mommy, remember who throwed poop at your face?
-- Me: who?
--C: Monkeys!! (hysterical laughter) Is that a joke?? Wait I'll say another one. What do you call a cow with no legs? Wait-i forgot the answer. Oh ground beef! (more hysterical laughter from him.)

22. Say something about mommy.
--"I like when you go with me on a picnic and on a date and anywhere." 

23.  Say something about daddy.
--"my daddy lets me play in my room and lets me watch movies." 

24. What is something you are good at?

25. What do you like about yourself?
--"I like that I'm five. I like to exercise and do a lot of stuff." 

26. What makes you happy?
--"spending the night with Nana and Ella."

27. Anything else you need to tell me?
-- Conner: "It's just a good day. Like something real good-and I can feel my own heart-and like someone is waiting for me somewhere out there." 
ME: "Who?"
Conner: My meemaw and peepaw. That's their song.  

SO sweet. 

Here are some highlights from our celebration of him turning five! We had such a great time!! 

I can't wait for what the next year will bring. He truly is a blessing to us! 

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