Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My Top 13 of 2013!

Well, I did this last year. I figured I would do it again for this year! :) Here are some highlights of my 2013! No particular order. 

1.  Seeing baby sea turtles emerge from their nest and watching them make their way to the ocean.

This year I got the rare chance of seeing 7 baby sea turtles make their way to the ocean. This has been something on my "bucket list" for a while. It was a beautiful thing to see-and I had all 3 of my boys to share it with.

2. Pirate voyage
A definite highlight of my year is getting to go to Litchfield and stay in the beach house with my family.  It is necessary to get away sometimes. :) This year we got to experience the Pirate Voyage--we have never done this before but we all loved it and I can't wait to go back!

3. Meeting Molly and Meeting Marcus
It was a very interesting month of February this year! :) I gained one niece and one nephew! :) They are only 15 days apart! A great thing--I can get my baby fix while I am waiting should God choose to bless our family with our own sweet baby. Trying to patiently wait...

4. Adventures with my family--Mothers day
I have to say that my husband is pretty awesome. He planned a sweet family day on Mother's day. We went to a lake and had a picnic. We went on a hike and went canoeing. We had otters swimming next to us and saw eagles. Pretty great day.

5. conner graduating 4k and starting big school/Caleb earning numerous medals and taking on new challenges in the new year.
So proud of these kids! 

6. Conner's baseball
This was C's second year in T-ball. We love it. It is trying for me watching my child's stubborn side come out on the field---but watching him grow and get excited about his accomplishments is so awesome.

7. Caleb baptized
It is definitely something beautiful when you watch someone get baptized--so of course this was a great highlight of a year when Caleb got baptized over the summer. 

8. Celebrating birthdays
I absolutely love birthdays! I love planning them and seeing people's faces light up when they see how people are celebrating their day. I think it is important to have celebrations for birthdays--our life is an amazing gift and it is good to celebrate it. 

9. Summer
I loved this summer.


10. When meemaw and peepaw come to visit. And when meemaw gets to stay for over summer.
I can't thank my mom enough for coming to South Carolina in the summers to help with Conner while I work. It is a cherished time for him. It's like I have her back for a little bit. :)

11. Thanksgiving in Texas
I love Abilene.  I really always have loved Abilene. People call it a black hole or say that it traps you and acts like a magnet and forces you to come back. But, I really love it.  And I love spending Thanksgiving with my family in Texas. I just wish I had time to see everyone that I want to see and do all the things I want to do. One week is never enough. 

12. Christmas
Christmas is always a highlight of my year. I love the music..the feeling...the much prettier my house looks with all the christmas decorations. :) And I love the magic of Christmas and the beauty of remembering our Savior's birth. 

13. Photography Love.
I have LOVED meeting all the new people this year and capturing memories for them. It has really been awesome to be able to use my passion so much this year.  I LOVE it! I hope that I continue to have time to do this along with my crazy life. We should all make time for our passions and things we love.

I am excited for the new year. I feel like this one is going to be different somehow...and I am excited about what is in store. I want to take time for me this year. I don't do alot of that. I really do want to find those things that are "me" again and do things I have put off for too long. Sans "resolutions" but looking forward to the future and what it will bring when I get my focus where it should be and start loving me more. 

And now I will leave you with this...:)

 Love and Blessings

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